Wishing OMR Riders a happy Gandhi Jayanthi with 10 of his great quotes:
1.You must be the change you wish to see in the world
2.First they ignore you , then they laugh at you , then they fight you,then you win
3.A man is but the product of his thoughts, what he thinks, he becomes
4.You must not loose faith in humanity, Humanity is an ocean.If a few drops are dirty that does not make the ocean dirty
5.Live as if you are going to die tomorrow, learn as if you are going to live forever
6.A coward is incapable of love, it is the prerogative of the brave
7.In a gentle way , you can shake the world
8.If i had no sense of humor, i would have long ago committed suicide
9.Strength does not come from physical capacity.It comes from indomitable will
10.You can chain me, you can torture me, you can destroy this body , but you cannot imprison my mind
Happy Gandhi Jayanthi OMR Riders!
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